Site surveys and investigations
The purpose of site surveys and investigations is to gather and successfully utilise information to aid the planning of works and to ensure success at every stage of a project’s lifecycle.
This can help to deliver the safest and most economical scheme by ensuring that any risk to commercial viability, build-ability and health and safety is understood and considered at the earliest stage, and by allowing mitigation methods to be introduced to minimise the likelihood of these known risks becoming problematic.
At INVVU, we are hugely experienced in delivering multi-disciplined site surveys and investigations across the building, civil, rail and maritime sectors and can provide all of the following services (and more):
- Desktop utility searches
- Unexploded ordnance risk assessments and reports
- Road Restraint Risk Assessment Process (RRRAP)
- Dilapidation and conditional surveys
- Ecological survey
- Topographical survey and building survey
- Utilities electromagnetic and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Survey
- Drainage visual and CCTV Survey
- Ground Investigations
E.g. boreholes, water table logging, waste classification, gas monitoring, geophysical and geotechnical testing, CBR, infiltration testing - Structural surveys – visual, non-disruptive (inc. GPR) and intrusive
- Mechanical and electrical conditional and load monitoring
- Lux level survey
- Flood Risk Assessments
We appreciate that work scopes and methodologies often change once a project has started, especially with temporary works, so we are flexible and able to respond swiftly if any additional surveys and investigations are needed.
Naturally, our staff hold all of the relevant competencies in accordance with the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 2015. But beyond that, everyone in our team is committed to making the process as seamless and stress-free as possible.